
Autism Spectrum Strategies for Specialist Learning Support

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have understood the diagnostics and development of appropriate strategies for pupils with autism. Earners understand the new SEN requirements & are able to develop a range of strategies for an autism-friendly/safe environment. Earners are able to work with co-professionals when defining autism as part of a family of spectrum needs, applicable to a range of behaviours and learning challenges, & when diagnosing learning environment needs & behaviour strategies.

Communication Analysis Observation Evaluation Literacy Reflective learning Decision making Education Autism support Autism Course Participate


Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.

Earner has demonstrated their analytical, evaluation & observation skills when evaluating the needs of learners on the autism spectrum. They have observed and monitored the presentation of learning for autistic pupils, both orally and in writing. These observations informed a written project piece exploring the developing strategies available to better support the learning needs of the pupil with sensory or social needs, and communication challenges.
Earner has demonstrated their communication, reflective learning and literacy skills when recording a reflective statement of how they will change their practice after studying and critiquing a variety of interventions that support the spectrum of needs of a child/young person with ASD. Earner analysed a pupil in their care or used a case study approach to inform this piece of learning and development and engaged in class discussions to share their learning.
Earner has demonstrated their decision making and ASD intervention skills when completing a written piece detailing how effective decision making, in partnership with pupils with ASD & the wider team at their specific school/college, can support the identification of autism & the ability to meet pupils needs. Earner outlined a range of behaviours & learning challenges that can occur when diagnosing ASD in a learning environment and interventions available to help reduce them.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Stranmillis university college, Stranmillis Road, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT95DY


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