Law in the Classroom
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have developed their knowledge of governance, SEN legislation, recording procedures and whole-school development planning. Earners have worked with SENCOs to understanding the networks of support available within the infrastructure associated with schools and colleges. Earners now have an up to date perspective on the requirements of schools in terms of teaching, learning and assessment practices required for all children including those with additional needs.
Critical thinking Evaluation Literacy Evidenced based argument Presentation Group work Professional discussion Problem solving Education Law Course Participate Analysis Teamwork Communication DebatingCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated their critical thinking, analytical, evaluation & literacy skills when producing a written piece that critically evaluated the existing practices for 'duty of care' in Education. They have researched and reported on the special educational needs codes and their schools organisational policies and procedures within their document. Earner evaluated the impact these documents have on their setting and the pupils who attend.
Earner has demonstrated their communication, presentation, evidence based argument and team working skills when working as part of a team to deliver a group presentation to justify their thoughts about education law and the SEN code of practice with the principled approach to loci parentis (in place of the parent) philosophy. The earner evaluated themselves, their responsibilities and the associated good practice for dealing with challenges in Education and the rights of the child/young person.
Earner has demonstrated their group's work, professional discussion, debating & problem solving skills when working with others to debate the importance of equality and diversity in relation to the new Special Educational Needs legislation & the associated recording procedures. Earner listened to & put forth their views regarding the culture of diversity & inclusion in schools & Colleges in Northern Ireland & their opinions on the best practice quality guides for the inclusive schools & College.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Stranmillis university college, Stranmillis Road, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT95DY
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