
Planning for Learning

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have developed their ability to use a social model of support to coach & mentor pupils. Earners are now able to successfully lesson plan for their classroom assistant role, work with teachers/staff to make suitable adjustments, and prepare aids and resources to scaffold learning in relation to needs. Earners can work with a range of staff to manage pupil learning and promote an achievement approach that supports whole-school developments for all pupils equally.

Literacy Reflective practice Partnership working Presentation Evaluation skills Analysis Education Learning Course Participate Communication Teamwork Collaboration


Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.

Earner has developed their communication, literacy, reflective practice, and partnership working skills when completing a statement of learning that outlined their reflections on their role and responsibilities. The statement described how the earner works in partnership with co-professionals, parents & pupils, within their classroom assistant role, and how this positively influenced the pupils needs/learning.
Earner has developed their teamwork, collaboration, presentation, and planning skills when taking part in structured group work with their peers. Earner worked with others to complete tasks highlighting the benefit of supporting reflective learning whilst also evaluating a range of learning planning needs. Each group presented their findings to their peers thus improving their knowledge, confidence, and ability to professionally present.
Earner has developed their analytical and evaluation skills when completing a written piece to review organisational policies and procedures and the classroom assistants professional code of conduct. Earner detailed the importance of policy and procedure and how it positively impacts the pupils needs and learning, as well as aiding professional relationships and promoting an achievement approach that supports whole-school development.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Stranmillis university college, Stranmillis Road, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT95DY


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