
Understanding Mental Capacity

This badge has been issued for participating in the free non-accredited course Understanding mental capacity. This course supported demonstration of the following learning outcomes: understand what is meant by mental capacity; apply your knowledge about mental capacity to different scenarios and outline how to support and/or assess capacity for decision making in each case; outline what is involved in a mental capacity assessment; identify what you would like to do next in relation to mental capacity in your personal life and/or career. You can review the course at the following link: http://www-acct.open.edu/openlearn/health-sports-psychology/understanding-mental-capacity/content-section-overview. This badge does not represent formal credit or award from The Open University. It does demonstrate participation in informal learning activity.


Apply your knowledge about mental capacity to different scenarios and outline how to support and/or assess capacity for decision making in each case
Outline what is involved in a mental capacity assessment
Identify what you would like to do next in relation to mental capacity in your personal life and/or career.
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