
West Yorkshire Police Specialist Unit

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Earner of this badge have gained an understanding of various roles within police specialist units ranging from dog handlers, Firearms support unit, Operational Support Unit, Criminal Investigation Department and Drugs Squad. Earners of this badge have witnessed demonstration of use of fire arms and sniffer dogs.

Investigation Police operations Firearm safety Law enforcement Public services Emergency Response Workshop Engage


Earner of this badge has had a presentation delivered by representative from West Yorkshire Police to gain an understanding about different specialist units, roles and responsibilities.
Earner of this badge has gained an understanding of when a firearm unit is deployed mainly in response to emergency calls believed to involve firearms and the arrest of armed, dangerous or barricaded criminals in raids and operations. They have also observed the use of fire arms.
Earner of this badge has observed Dog Handling Teams using the specialist senses of a canines smell to assist with the detection and prevention of crime such as aid in the search for missing or injured people, track and detain offenders and locating dead bodies and blood, either buried or on the surface.
This badge is open to all.
Bradford College, Great Horton Road, Bradford, United Kingdom, BD7 1AY


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