Teamwork and Performance
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have developed communication and interpersonal skills to support effective teamwork and performance.
Teamwork Self-reflection Performance management Constructive feedback Team building Business services Administration Workshop ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has developed interpersonal skills required for teamwork. They have increased their knowledge of the impact of behaviour on others through presentations in a classroom environment.
Earner has built awareness of how skills such as clear and efficient communication, influencing, listening, problem-solving, planning and organisation, decision-making, and conflict resolution, impact on how a team works together. They have gained a greater understanding of personal teamwork skills and areas for development through facilitated self-reflection and group activities.
Earner has developed a better understanding of the principles of teamwork and performance management. They have gained awareness of building a diverse team, establishing clear goals and roles, fostering collaboration, providing opportunities for learning and development, fostering open communication and feedback, and recognising and rewarding achievement and how that supports teams to enhance their performance.
Earner has developed an appreciation of the value of feedback and how to approach giving and receiving feedback in a constructive manner in a work environment. They have learnt about different feedback styles by giving and receiving feedback in group activities.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
9-12 Adelaide Street, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT2 8DJ
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