
Key Concepts - Causation

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The "Causation" badge within the Primary Years Programme (PYP) of the International Baccalaureate symbolises a student's exploration into the reasons things happen and the consequences that follow.

This badge is awarded to those who delve deeply into understanding the relationships between cause and effect across various contexts and disciplines. By investigating the key concept of "Causation," students enhance their ability to think critically and analytically about the world around them, enabling them to identify patterns and make informed predictions.

Earning the "Causation" badge reflects a learner’s commitment to uncovering the underlying factors that influence events and situations, showcasing their development as inquisitive and thoughtful individuals.


ACS International Schools
ACS International Schools is a group of private schools known for offering a global education primarily based on the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum. These schools cater to both local and international students and are situated in the United Kingdom.
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