
Penetration Security Test Certified

This certificate proudly affirms that the designated organisation has met and surpassed rigorous security standards set forth by our expert Offensive Security team. The organisation has undergone extensive penetration testing to evaluate its resilience against malicious attacks and has successfully demonstrated a robust defence with no serious vulnerabilities detected.

This certification attests to the organisation's dedicated commitment to upholding high security standards and its proactive efforts in identifying, addressing, and mitigating potential vulnerabilities preemptively. The holder of this certificate exemplifies a superior standard of security, thereby establishing itself as a trustworthy and secure service provider.

Offensive Security Incident Response Network Security Application Security Cyber Security Infrastructure Security Cyber Risk Vulnerability Management Firewall IT Security Risk Analysis Security Controls Security Information And Event Management (SIEM) Security Policies Trustworthiness Risk Management Resilience IT Security Architecture Vulnerability Assessments Penetration Testing Vulnerability Management


The Application process involves a comprehensive analysis of the organisation's security infrastructure, including network security, application security and cybersecurity risk management. We evaluate their offensive security strategies to ensure they are competent in identifying and mitigating threats.
The Assessment process involves a deep dive into the organisation's offensive security methodologies and approaches. The organisation must demonstrate its capabilities in a live environment, facing real-time scenarios and threat simulations to prove its effectiveness in managing security issues.
The Award process is the final stage where the badge is granted to the organisation. This is done after thorough evaluation and testing, ensuring they have met all the stringent requirements set forth in the application and assessment stages. The organisation is then recognised as a secure service provider.


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