
AMRC Training Centre Staff CPD Completion Badge

This badge is awarded to staff members who have successfully completed Continuing Professional Development (CPD). CPD is crucial for enhancing knowledge, skills, and professional abilities. This badge represents the dedication and commitment of the staff members towards personal growth and learning. It signifies that the recipient has made efforts to keep their skills and knowledge up-to-date, ensuring they can perform their role to the best of their abilities, meet the challenges of their job, and contribute effectively to their organization.

Research Information Gathering Training And Development Professionalism Verbal Communication Skills Participant Observation Willingness To Learn Proactivity Employee Relations Effective Communication Business Objectives Teamwork Product Knowledge Ability To Meet Deadlines Collaboration


The recipient must be a staff member at the time of application for this badge. It is of utmost importance that the staff member is actively involved in the organization and is seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge to perform their role more effectively.
The recipient must complete the CPD course, delivery could include lectures, workshops, group exercised, research, practical, work shadowing and self-study. The CPD courses are designed to enhance the professional abilities of the staff members and help them perform their job roles more efficiently.
The recipient must pass the CPD assessment, if applicable, to earn this badge. The assessment will test the knowledge and skills gained during the course. It is a way to validate that the staff member has understood and absorbed the learning material and is ready to apply it in their job role.
The individual must actively participate in the course, demonstrating engagement with the learning materials and contributing to class discussions. Participants are expected to follow the course schedule and meet all deadlines.
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