
Leeds Learning Alliance Ambassador

This badge is awarded to the Ambassador of the Leeds Learning Alliance.

Our ambassador shares their core values with that of the LLA, and is an advocate for the work being done by our partners. They actively participate in various initiatives, represent the LLA at events, and contribute to the strategic vision of the Alliance. They serve as a role model, embodying the principles of collaboration, innovation, and community engagement.

This role requires a deep understanding of the LLA's mission and a commitment to promoting lifelong learning and educational excellence. The LLA Ambassador also facilitates connections between LLA members and external stakeholders, enhancing the impact of the Alliance's projects and programs. Through their dedication and leadership, they help to create a more inclusive and effective learning environment across Leeds and beyond.

By holding this badge, the individual demonstrates their commitment to educational advocacy, community service, and the transformative power of learning.

Lifelong Learning Advocacy Strategic Planning Leadership Innovation Budgeting Case Management Communication Compassion Creativity Fundraising Governance Microsoft Outlook Relationship Building Social Work


The ambassadors credentials and professional experience are assessed to ensure they meet the high standards required for the ambassador role.
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