
Software Development Practical Skills

Available from multiple providers

This badge is awarded to individuals who have demonstrated practical skills in software development across a range of business areas. The badge holder has shown competency across the software development lifecycle.

This badge recognizes the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios, ensuring that software solutions meet business requirements and are delivered efficiently.

The recipient has participated in real-world projects, showcasing their ability to handle different aspects of software development, from initial design to final evaluation. This includes proficiency in coding, debugging, and deploying software applications, as well as collaborating with team members to achieve project goals.

The badge holder is equipped with the skills necessary to succeed in a professional software development environment.

Debugging Software Design Integrated Development Environments Business Requirements Software Development Life Cycle Software Development Agile Methodology Business Process C (Programming Language) C# (Programming Language) C++ (Programming Language) Computer Engineering Computer Science Java (Programming Language) Software Engineering Systems Development Life Cycle


The recipient must participate in a workshop or course that focuses on software development practical skills. This includes learning about the latest tools and technologies used in the industry, as well as hands-on exercises to reinforce their learning.
The recipient must create a portfolio showcasing their software development projects. This portfolio should include detailed descriptions of the projects, the tools and technologies used, and the outcomes achieved. It should demonstrate the recipient's ability to deliver successful software solutions.


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