
National Justice Museum Meet a Judge KS3 (year 7-9) & KS4 (year 10 & 11)

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have taken part in an interactive courtroom workshop bringing the law to life through hands-on, authentic and unforgettable learning experiences.

Curiosity Willingness to learn Courtroom Justice system Research Teamwork Debating Critical thinking Communication Public speaking Presenting Confidence Law enforcement Law Legal Workshop Participate


Earner has shown curiosity and willingness to learn by taking part in an educational visit at Bradford City Hall Victorian courtroom.
Earner has had the opportunity to meet a Judge and other legal professionals and ask questions in person at Bradford Tribunal Court.
Earner has gained an understanding of the justice system by exploring the process of taking a case to the courtroom. They have developed their research and teamwork skills by working with others to prepare a case to present at trial.
Earner has used critical thinking skills by taking on a courtroom role to reach a sentencing verdict and debate the outcome of a trial. They have developed communication and public speaking skills by presenting their views in a confident manner.
This badge is open to all.
Bradford Tribunal Court, Phoenix House Rushton Avenue, Bradford, United Kingdom, BD3 7BH


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