
Introduction to Apprenticeships for Year 7 & 8 pupils

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have attended a talk, delivered by Gordons LLP, to gain an understanding of apprenticeships.

Active listening Apprenticeships Employability Employment pathways Career progression Entry routes Career exploration Law enforcement Law Legal Workshop Engage


Earner has demonstrated active listening by attending an introduction to apprenticeships talk. They have gained an understanding of what an apprenticeship is and the benefits of completing one, including increasing their employability by gaining experience of a real work environment alongside structured training.
Earner has understood the different levels of apprenticeships to suit their interests and aspirations, including what valuable skills they can gain whilst working and studying at the same time. They have explored a variety of different industries offering apprenticeships such as legal, software, construction, engineering, hospitality, and healthcare.
Earner has gained awareness of career progression and employment pathways. They have understood how to kickstart their career as an apprentice, including possible entry routes and where to look for apprenticeship opportunities.
Earner has engaged in a Q&A session to clarify their understanding on apprenticeships.
This badge is open to all.
Gordons LLP, 1 New Augustus Street, Bradford, United Kingdom, BD1 5LL


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