
West Yorkshire Police Cadets 13-17 years old

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have volunteered their time as a police cadet to gain an understanding of policing and make a difference in their local community.

Policing Teamwork Confidence Charity Community work Duke of edinburgh's award Good citizens Youth voice Social action Making a difference Commitment Law enforcement Public services Uniformed Public Services Volunteer Demonstrate


Earner has developed a practical understanding of policing. They have explored how to become a good citizen and achieve their ambition both within and outside of policing.
Earner has demonstrated commitment by volunteering their time to meet once a week on a weekday evening during the school term. They have taken part in interactive sessions and talks by guest speakers including learning drill manoeuvres, how to parade, and team building activities.
Earner has completed a wide range of additional activities during their time as a cadet, including Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh's (DofE) Awards and Expeditions, local fairs and galas, charity events, crime prevention awareness, litter picks, West Yorkshire Police events, tree planting, and test purchasing.
Earner has built character and confidence by making a difference in local communities through youth-led social action. They have actively helped divert people away from negative influences and crime, fostering trust and confidence between young people, their communities, and the police. This enables young people to have a real voice and influence in building positive 21st Century policing.
This badge is open to all.
West Yorkshire Police, Lawcroft House, Bradford, United Kingdom, BD9 5AF


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