Health and Safety
Available from multiple providers
Earner of this badge has completed a course in Health & Safety to develop their knowledge of Health and Safety within the home based childcare environment. Earners understand how to plan and provide environments and services that support children and young people’s health and safety safety in the workplace.
Communication Commitment Teamwork Resilience Time management Recording & reporting Health and safety Education Health & safety Safety Course ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated commitment & communication skills when completing a group discussion & online quiz to outline their knowledge of the current legal health and safety requirements for a childminder/approved home child carer & the key NICMA Policies relating to Health & Safety minimum standards. Earner has also explored hazards and risks that can cause harm to babies, children, & young people.
Earner has developed teamwork, resilience, and time management skills by working with others, in the training group, to have a group discussion about what types of people are most at risk of certain types of accidents & also understanding how child development is linked to injury. Earner also demonstrated their understanding of how to support children and young people to assess and manage risk for themselves.
Earner has developed their recording and reporting and health and safety skills when working as a group to discuss protocols for emergency procedures such as fire evacuation and calling the emergency services. Earner demonstrated their understanding of the importance of carrying out risk/fire risk assessments in their role as a childminder/approved home child carer. This is further assessed by the allocated social worker when registration is allocated.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
116 - 118, Holywood Rd, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT4 1NY
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