Paediatric First Aid
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have completed a course in Paediatric First Aid. They have developed their understanding of First Aid procedures and the life-saving techniques needed to support a child, aged from 0 - 12 years, in an emergency situation or until professional medical help arrives. Earners also learn about the legal requirements they should consider when they have responsibility for babies, children or young people.
Participation Communication Commitment Problem solving Teamwork Resilliance First aid Time management Education Paediatric Course ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated their participation, commitment, problem solving and communication skills by attending a face to face practical training session where they are physically assessed on how they manage a child who has suffered an injury. The earner has demonstrated their competency in the appropriate first aid procedures and they have also role-played ways in which to assess an incident and take appropriate action if the child is conscious or unconscious.
Earner has demonstrated their teamwork & resilience skills by demonstrating their ability to check a child/babies breathing & how to move them in to the recovery position, equipping them with the necessary skills needed to deal with children who are in shock, have external bleeding or have suffered minor injuries such as fractures. Earners also learnt how to conduct child and baby cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Earner has evidenced this via practical assessments and evaluations.
Earner has demonstrated their time management and first aid skills when completing formative assessments to evidence the knowledge they acquired throughout the first aid course. Assessments asked the earner to detail the action they would take if a child, baby or young person was choking, burnt, having an asthma attack, suffered a head injury or had an allergic reaction. Quizzes and group discussions also took place to evidence the learning that was obtained during the training course.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
116 - 118, Holywood Rd, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT4 1NY
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