

Available from multiple providers

Earner of this badge has learnt about the legal basis for safeguarding babies, children and young people and knows the actions to take and procedures to follow when a safeguarding concern is raised. Earners know the key steps, in relation to safeguarding and earner also recognises the role a Registered Childminder/Approved Home Child carer plays in the protection of children from abuse.

Verbal communication Written communication Teamwork Partnership working Communication Listening Education Safegaurding Course Participate


Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.

Earner has demonstrated their verbal, written & team work skills when working in a group to outline the role that a Registered Childminder/Approved Home Child carer plays in the protection of children from abuse. Earner knows how to implement child protection & safeguarding procedures & complete all documentation. The earner did group work activities and quizzes to demonstrate their understanding of the legislative framework & their roles & responsibilities within it.
Earner has demonstrated their knowledge of partnership working & safeguarding skills when completing a practice written report to demonstrate their understanding of safeguarding legislation & the importance of working in partnership with agencies. Earner has detailed the stakeholders they work with to ensure all children remain safe at all times. They also took part in group work and described the roles and responsibilities of organisations that may be involved when reporting abuse.
Earner has demonstrated their communication & listening skills when describing the possible signs, symptoms, indicators, and behaviours that may cause concern, in the context of safeguarding babies, children & young people. Earner has explained the policies and procedures they would follow and the actions they would take when identifying and reporting abuse. Earners discussed the role of a Registered Childminder/Approved Home Child Carer in relation to the protection of children from abuse.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
116 - 118, Holywood Rd, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT4 1NY


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