Additional Needs
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have learnt about the importance of a child’s profile when establishing their basic needs. Earners have also examined the roles and responsibilities a Childminder/Approved Home Childcarer when supporting a child who has a learning disability/additional need. Earners have also learnt about the definitions of specific special educational needs & the correct terminology used within a Childminding/Approved Home Child Carer environment as well as how to deliver a holistic service.
Verbal communication Non - verbal communication Written communication Partnership working Risk assessing Communication Group work Disability awareness Planning Organising Reflective practice Education Additional Needs Course ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated their written, and verbal and non – verbal communication skills when risk assessing a child with learning disabilities. The earner did this by taking part in formative assessments through practical exercises, group discussion, and answering of questions. Earner has also demonstrated their partnership working skills by taking part in a Q&A session on ‘how to work in partnership with parents’
Earner has demonstrated their disability awareness & communication skills when participating in group discussions which aided them to understand the importance of an enabling environment in a Childminding/Approved Home Child Carer setting. Earner has demonstrated their written skills and overall competency when completing a practice risk assessment that they would use for risk assessing a child, in a Childminder/Approved Home Child Carer setting, who has a learning disability.
Earner has demonstrated their planning and organising skills and their reflective practice skills when planning activities to support a child who has a learning disability, and their families. Earner has completed a summative assessment quiz to discuss the considerations they would make when planning and organising activities for a child with additional needs and they completed a reflective practice piece to look for areas they could improve/develop in the future.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
116 - 118, Holywood Rd, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT4 1NY
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