
Business Management

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have learnt about the legal requirements for tax, national insurance, and self assessment, the importance of keeping records of income and expenditure and the documentation needed to run a successful business.  Earners have examined the role of NICMA and other support services. Earners have also learnt about how to effectively market and promote their business.  

Mathematical Accountancy Partnership working Group work Communication Written skills Marketing Promotional materials Legal Business management Management Course Participate


Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.

Earner has demonstrated, through discussion, their partnership, group work and communication skills. They did this when outlining their understanding of documentation used to legally report tax and national insurance information. Earner has demonstrated, through Q&A and group discussion, the importance of keeping accurate records of income and expenditure and the documentation needed to run a successful business.
Earner has demonstrated their mathematical and accountancy skills by taking part in individual and group activities that evidence their ability to effectively calculate income and expenditure. The earner also worked in a group to demonstrate their skills by reflecting on pre-trading accounts, day to day expenses and how to calculate profit & loss.
Earner has displayed their written, marketing and promotion skills by taking part in group exercises, activities and discussions that demonstrated their ability to market their childminding business through direct and indirect marketing. Earner has also drafted a USP report (Unique Selling Point report) for their business and completed a summative assessment quiz to evidence learning.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
116 - 118, Holywood Rd, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT4 1NY


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