Level 3 Health & Social Care
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have demonstrated the required knowledge, skills and values needed to complete this QCF Level 3 standard qualification. The Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care (Northern Ireland) has been specified by the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC), who help to raise standards in the social care workforce by registering social care workers; setting standards for their conduct and practice and supporting their professional development.
Health and safety Career development Partnership working Professionalism Team work Supervision Risk assessing Fire safety Information technology skills Disability Safeguarding Neurodiversity Inclusion Nutrition Employability Communication Healthcare Health Course ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated knowledge of regulatory bodies related to their role & wider health & social care sector. Earner has demonstrated partnership working skills & understands the importance and benefits of positive partnership working. Earner has demonstrated knowledge of their role and professional relationships and can articulate the principles that underpin effective teamwork. Earner understands the process of professional supervision for all.
Earner has demonstrated sound knowledge of understanding their responsibilities relating to health and safety in the work setting, including legislation and fire safety. Earner now has the ability to implement policies and procedures within their organisation. Earner has shown sound knowledge of risk assessment and their ability to demonstrate the 5 steps of the risk assessment process, including taking positive risks in their role. Earner completed mock risk assessments.
Earner has demonstrated their ability to support individuals to access various services. Earner has gained knowledge of assistive technology & their ability to interact with individuals with a range of barriers. Earner has demonstrated their knowledge of learning disabilities and how they can impact individuals through being able to positively liaise with families around different subjects. Earner presented this information to peers.
Earner has demonstrated they are able to articulate the legislation associated with informed consent & understands their organisations policies and procedures relating to consent. Earner is able to demonstrate their ability to work in a person centred way including complex and sensitive situations. Earner understands what having a duty of care means within their role and how positive risk taking is a part of everyday life and is able to support those in their care to make informed choices.
Earner has articulated the meanings of active participation & promote a supportive environment focused on wellbeing. Earner consistently demonstrates the ability to work in a way where individuals choices and rights are supported. Earner is able to demonstrate knowledge on types of abuse including articulating signs and symptoms of each type of abuse. Earner submitted a written report to demonstrate this learning.
Earner has developed their disability skills & gained knowledge how best to support individuals with autism spectrum conditions, learning disabilities & dementia. Earner has learnt how to integrate supportive conversations and actions around sexuality. Earner has gained understanding of the impact a physical disability can have on an individual and how they can best support. Earner completed a fact sheet highlighting this complex needs information.
Earner has demonstrated their ability to promote nutrition & hydration within their organisation. Earner has gained knowledge of supporting an individual at 'end of life' in a passionate way & understanding all policies and procedures. Earner has gained sound knowledge of moving & positioning procedures as well as sound knowledge of equality diversity & inclusion within dementia care. Earn engaged in peer discussions to evidence learning.
Earner has developed their complaints & communication skills & learnt the importance of effective communication & information handling including ways of working to maintain confidentiality. Earner has demonstrated, through assessment, that they are able to meet the communication & language needs of individuals, through either verbal/non verbal communication. Earner has read their organisations complaints policy & is confidently able to handle complaints.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
89 Malone Road , Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 6SP
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