Level 3 Childcare Upskilling Academy
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have learnt about a wide range of topics that enables them to apply for job roles & occupational areas in children’s settings, including early years, and it serves as the required qualification for all new practitioners for registration and regulatory requirements in Northern Ireland. Once earners have qualified, at the Level 3 standard they are able to seek employment as a room supervisor, team leader, or deputise for the leader working under the supervision of a manager.
Disability awareness Team work It skills Presentation skills Literacy Communication Research Partnership working Reporting Confidentiality Advocacy Language development Planning Analysis Collabaration Education Childcare Course ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has gained knowledge in disability awareness and worked as part of a team to produce a presentation explaining the causes of SEN with examples of genetic ,developmental & acquired needs. Earner has promoted and created a schedule of learning activities for children with additional needs. Earner has developed their IT literacy and research skills through designing a poster explaining how each model evolved.
Earner has developed their communication, partnership working & teamwork skills by producing a written piece explaining importance of partnership working with multi- agency health care professionals. Earn has produced a report to highlight their knowledge in confidentiality, literacy and recording & reporting. Earner produced a plan for improving advocacy practice within a childcare setting highlighting their understanding of legislation and policy in workplace.
Earner has developed an understanding of the purpose & principles of the early years sector. Earners displayed this through role play within a group setting. Earner has used their communication & advocacy skills to successfully deliver a presentation explaining the childcare organisations seeking to meet the rights of children for play. Earner has demonstrated their knowledge in social & disability awareness by completing a case study to design new services.
Earners has demonstrated the knowledge & understanding required to support the safeguarding of children. Earner has evidenced their safeguarding & partnership working skills by completing a written report focused on safeguarding legislation. Earner engaged in a group discussion, with peers, evidencing their teamwork & communication skills. Earner has completed a case study & risk assessment according to organisational policies & procedures.
Earner has demonstrated their language development & analysis skills to produce a written report outlining the key stages of a child's development. Earner has used their planning & childcare knowledge when producing weekly plans to meet an individual Childs needs. Earner has used their collaboration and communication skills when producing a poster which explained the pattern & sequence & expected milestones in the development of a child aged from 0-5 year olds.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
89 Malone Road, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT9 6SP
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