Classroom Assistant Level 3 Upskilling Academy
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have developed the knowledge needed to work directly with children & young people in a school or college environment. Earners have also gained an understanding of all elements of a child/young persons development including their safeguarding, welfare, communication and professional relationships. The duration of the course ranges from 6 months – 18 months, depending on the learner and the accredited course follows specific modules dictated by the awarding body.
Support Literacy Transition Communication Language Inclusivity Team work Risk assessment Risk management Recording & reporting Professionalism Learning theory Research Safeguarding Presentation Education Course ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated support, literacy and transition skills when researching the range & impact of transitions that children & young people experience. The earner demonstrated their understanding by creating a display board in the corridor of the school explaining how these transitions may impact their lives. Earner can explain the signs & indications that a child/young person is experiencing transition in their life. Earner has also demonstrated their ability to support others.
Earner has demonstrated their communication, language & inclusivity skills by contributing to the assessment of bilingual learners and supporting them throughout their education. Earner did this by making learning resources more accessible which supports inclusivity. Earner has demonstrated an understanding of the importance of speech, language & communication for children & young people's overall development.
Earner has demonstrated their team working skills & their knowledge & understanding of the structure of education, from early years to post compulsory education, by delivering a presentation. Earner has completed group activities & case studies to demonstrate effective team working principles & to explore & explain the role of effective communication in an organisation. Earner has completed a risk assessment to demonstrate their understanding of supporting children.
Earner has demonstrated their risk & play work skills by studying the nature & importance of play & leisure & by preparing a leaflet describing its benefits. Earner has developed an understanding of their own role in relation to requirements of play & leisure activities by delivering a group presentation. Earner has demonstrated their understanding of how to balance risk with the challenge of play & leisure opportunities by completing a risk benefits analysis in this unit.
Earner has shown recording & reporting skills by submitting a written document detailing their roles & responsibilities in relation to their professional development. Earner has developed their professionalism & learning theory skills by evaluating their own performance & agreeing to a personal professional development plan. Earner has demonstrated their understanding of the purpose and characteristics of assessment for learning within this.
Earner has demonstrated their safeguarding skills by producing a fact sheet of collated information which details their understanding of relevant legislation, guidelines, policies & procedures for the effective safeguarding of children & young people. Earner has demonstrated teamwork, communication & presentation skills by working with peers to create a PowerPoint presentation explaining the importance of using a person centred approach when safeguarding children & young people.
Earner has developed their understanding of the wide variety of SEN needs a child or young people may have in an educational setting. Earner has demonstrated their learning by creating a resource that identifies barriers to participation & engagement. Earner has demonstrated their understanding of the principles of inclusive practice by creating a fact sheet to identify requirements of current legislation in relation to inclusive practice for SEN pupils.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
89 Malone Road, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT9 6SP
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