
Play Work Level 3 Upskilling Academy

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have achieved a Level 3 City & Guild qualification in Play Work. The duration of this course ranges from 6 - 18 months, depending on the learner. The accredited course follows specific modules, dictated by the awarding body, City & Guilds. Once earners have qualified at the Level 3 standard they are able to seek employment as a room supervisor, team leader, or deputise for the leader working under the supervision of a manager.

It Literacy Research Communication Team work Partnership working Confidentiality Recording & reporting Advocacy Safeguarding Risk assessment Analysis Language development Collaboration Education Play work Course Participate


Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.

Earner has developed their IT, literacy and research skills by conducting a research piece about the types of disability awareness. Earner has produced a presentation explaining the causes of SEN with examples of genetic, developmental & acquired needs. Earner has promoted & created a schedule of learning activities for children with additional needs and designed a poster explaining how each model evolved.
Earner has developed their communication, partnership working & teamwork skills by producing a written piece explaining the importance of partnership working with multi - agency health care professionals. Earner has produced a report to highlight their knowledge of confidentiality, literacy and recording & reporting. Earner produced a plan for improving advocacy practice within a childcare setting highlighting their understanding of legislation and policy in workplace.
Earner has demonstrated their communication & advocacy skills when taking part in a presentation to evidence their understanding of the purpose and principles of the early years sector. Earners successfully explained how childcare organisations seek to meet the rights of children for play. Earners also demonstrated their knowledge of social and disability awareness by completing a case study to design new services.
Earner has demonstrated their safeguarding & partnership working skills by completing a written report detailing relevant safeguarding legislation. Earner also evidenced the knowledge & understanding required to support the safeguarding of children. Earner worked with peers to complete a safeguarding case study & subsequent risk assessment which outlined actions they would take and policies & procedures they would follow in a safeguarding incident.
Earner has demonstrated their language development & analysis understanding and skills to produce a written report which detailed what planning & childcare knowledge they would apply to produce a weekly plan to meet an individuals child development needs. Earner also used their collaboration and communication skills when producing a poster which explained the pattern and sequence of expected development from 0-5 year olds & how to support this development within a play work role.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
89 Malone Road, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT9 6SP


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