
Health & Social Care Level 5 Upskilling

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have successfully completed the Level 5 H&SC Upskilling Academy, which provides earners with the skills and knowledge needed to manage and lead others in adult health and social care provision in Northern Ireland. This qualification is most suitable for team leaders/managers who are looking to progress their career within this sector.

Research Health & safety Manual handling Food handling Risk assessment Risk benefits analysis Recording & reporting Report writing Equality & diversity skills Computer skills Literacy skills Group work skills Care planning Communication Analytical Critical thinking Leadership Complaints Safeguarding Partnership working Performance management skills Self reflection Supervision Healthcare Health Course Participate


Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.

Earner has developed skills in research, health & safety, and manual handling when devising & completing a manual handling report for a scenario that may occur in their health & social care setting. Earner has also developed their skills in risk management & risk benefits analysis and recording & reporting skills when they completed a risk analysis for a social outing. Earner also created a poster to demonstrate their hygiene practices & food handling skills they have gained.
Earner has developed their report writing & equality & diversity skills through producing a report to highlight the benefits of an equal and inclusive working environment and person centred practice. They also detailed a range of methods relating to how they would promote equality & diversity in practice. Earner has developed skills in care planning, literacy & computer skills by creating an inclusive digital care plan for service user & through class debate & discussions.
Earner has developed their communication, information management, analytical and critical thinking skills by producing a written piece that critically analysed a range of communication skills and methods that would enhance and promote quality assurance within a health care setting. Earner has gained knowledge regarding leadership, complaints handling & customer service skills by being observed & in team meetings.
Earner has developed their partnership working & safeguarding skills through completing written reports demonstrating their understanding of safeguarding legislation & partnership working. Earner has demonstrated their presentation, communication and listening skills through delivering a presentation to their team detailing the policies & procedures they follow.
Earner has developed report writing & performance management skills by completing a report explaining the performance management cycle. Earner has demonstrated their communication and feedback skills when carrying out an observation of a staff member, completing a daily task with a service user & providing constructive feedback to help improve performance. Earner has demonstrated their self-reflection, evaluation, supervision and questioning skills by producing a reflective
Earner has developed team work, team management & presentation skills by working as a team to develop a presentation to analyse desired leadership qualities in a H&SC setting. They also produced a written report that reviewed the theories & models of leadership & management. Earner has demonstrated their analysing, strategic thinking & group work skills by working with their peers to examine emerging theories, regulations and frameworks within the health & social care domain.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
89 Malone Road, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT9 6SP


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