Childcare Level 5 Upskilling Academy
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have gained the practical and technical skills needed to lead high-quality services based on a culture of inclusive child-centred and rights-based care for children under the age of 12. Earners are now able to demonstrate a broad understanding of the practical skills and knowledge required to lead and manage services in the early years and childcare sector in Northern Ireland.
Presentation Planning Communication Assessment Self evaluation Partnership working Safeguarding Analysing Critical thinking Group work Strategic thinking Literacy Leadership Education Childcare Course ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated their planning, assessment & communication skills to develop a practical guide, for staff to use as a reference document, on how to encourage children/carers participation in the development of assessments. Earner produced a report that outlines early years curriculum models & how they support children's learning & development. Earner designed a poster highlighting educational strategies that can help to mitigate against negative impacts.
Earner has demonstrated their presentation & self-evaluation skills by delivering a presentation describing the duties & responsibilities of the roles within a childcare setting. Earner produced a written document detailing the importance of reflective practice in the childcare role. Earner then created a personal development plan to identify how they could improve their working practices in a leadership role.
Earner has evidenced their partnership working and safeguarding skills when completing a written report to demonstrate their understanding of safeguarding legislation and partnership working. Earner has delivered a presentation to their team, detailing the policies and procedures they would follow and the actions they would take when leading a team to identifying and report abuse. Earner has completed a case study and risk assessment confirming the policies/procedures they follow.
Earner has demonstrated their analysing, critical &strategic thinking & group work skills by working with their peers to examine theories and models underpinning supervision & appraisal of performance within the childcare care domain. Earner has demonstrated their literacy and leadership skills by producing a written report that reviewed the theories and models of leadership and management. Earner developed team work & team management skills through developing a presentation.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
89 Malone Road, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT9 6SP
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