Level 5 Playwork Upskilling Academy
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have demonstrated the competence, knowledge and understanding that a playworker needs, to develop and implement operational plans for play provision. Earners are now qualified to achieve a management role and understand the principal of effective leadership in a Play work setting.
Risk management Reflective practice Analytical Evaluation Research Presentation Communication Critical thinking Leadership Teamwork Problem solving Partnership working Conflict resolution Supervision Interpersonal Facilitation Resource management Role modelling Planning Education Play work Course ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated their partnership working, risk management , research and evaluation skills by submitting a written report detailing how organisational values policies and procedures uphold children & young peoples rights & opportunities for play. Earner has evidenced their research & has shared research outcomes with relevant colleagues and key partners in a professional discussion with internal & external stakeholders such as parents/carers & local authorities.
Earner has demonstrated their reflective and analytical skills when describing the duties and responsibilities of their work role. Earners explained expectations of their role, in line with relevant standards, by submitting a written piece to outline the required competence. Earner has demonstrated their literacy skills by submitting a personal development plan that highlighted how to work with others to review & prioritise learning needs & professional interests.
Earner has demonstrated their presentation and communication skills by delivering a presentation that explained the role and value of play. Earner has shown skills in research, critical thinking & risk assessment by completing a written piece to critically compare play work theories & models that underpin effective play work provision. Earner has demonstrated this by compiling a report to explain the importance of an organisational play work framework.
Earner has used their leadership & teamwork skills to understand how to establish & develop working relationships with colleagues in a play work context. Earner has managed relationships, within the supervision session, to help foster a supportive environment where staff were happy to share challenges and gain feedback to help improve their practice. Earner has demonstrated their problem solving, partnership working and conflict resolution skills.
Earner has shown literacy skills & submitted a written report outlining the theories of play work & identifying best practice, and play work models. Earner has used resource management & play work skills when designing a space to create opportunities for self-directed play. Earner has used their interpersonal skills, alongside their facilitation skills to demonstrate their ability to enable children & young people to interact within a range of play spaces.
Earner has demonstrated their planning & resource management skills when developing an operational plan for play provision through submitting a written plan. Earner has demonstrated their role modelling skills by being an effective role model for the required organisational values, policies and procedures within a play setting. Earner has verbally explained, to the group, how to adjust operational plans in response to monitoring & evaluation.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
89 Malone Road, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT9 6SP
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