Childcare Level 5 Upskilling Academy (2022-2024)

Only available to registered Participants .

The Childcare Level 5 upskilling Academy has been designed to provide a broad understanding of the practical skills and knowledge required to lead and manage services in the early years and childcare sector in Northern Ireland.

Earners will gain the practical and technical skills needed to lead high-quality services based on a culture of inclusive child-centred and rights-based care for children under the age of 12.

Topics covered in this course include:

- Supporting children’s care, learning and development in the early years

- Leading practice that supports positive outcomes for children’s development

- Developing and implement policies and procedures to support safeguarding of children

- Promoting professional practice

- Developing health and safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices in early years settings.

The qualifications cover a diverse range of job roles such as day care managers/assistant managers, childcare workers, team leaders, nursery practitioners and pre-school workers.

Report Writing Team Management Relationship Building Planning Self Evaluation Case Management Analytical Thinking Upskilling Advocacy Time Management Governance Communications Teamwork Resilience Risk Management Leadership Problem Solving Strategic Thinking Management Conflict Management Strategic Planning


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