(BCC) Fibre Splicing
Our Fibre academy is being delivered in partnership with a number of employers in the Fibre installation or related industries. Fibre installation involves the installation and maintenance of Fibre Optic cabling and its infrastructure. Which is used for the distributions of Fibre broadband in domestic and commercial buildings. Fibre optic cables containing many fibres are used to construct the core communications networks from country to country, city to city and town to town. Fibre Optic cables of a lower number are then used to connect up our streets to that network, and then all the way into the end users premises whether a business or domestic user. All these fibres, even all the way into a customer's premises must to be spliced together to create reliable long-term connections. Equipment and technology have advanced over the years. Making this task much easier than it used to be. However, splicing fibre optic cables together still requires a high level of skill, meticulousness patience and reliability from the technicians doing this work. Its not just all about splicing the fibre optic cables together. It's preparing the joint boxes, it's running the fibre optic cables underground and overhead "SAFELY". Completing these tasks to the extremely high standards and specifications required for a network to work. All of us today have become so dependent on high speed broadband, and we now take it for granted that it will always be working, just think of your experiences when you have not had decent broadband on you're travels. It is how well the fibre optic installation technicians carry out their job of installing and splicing the fibres together, that guarantee that the fibre optic cables will never be the cause of slow or no broadband at all. Gaining the skills and experience needed by a technician in this roll, takes quite a long time. This academy is the starting point. It provides learners with the skills needed. To the point that anyone who completes the training is able to complete the exact same tasks as an experienced splicing technician is able to. NO! the learner will not be as quick and as productive as an experienced technician. But when learners leave us, a company that employs them are able to turn them into that productive employee that they need them to be. In the shortest time possible. And that is why those who complete the training are valuable to employers. A barrier to our small companies here in Northern Ireland to taking on new inexperienced staff, has been the amount of accreditations and cost of training. It costs a contractor a minimum of £25,000 to put a new crew on the road, and that does not count the cost of the bucket truck that is required. Employers no longer have to face the problem of having to pay for very expensive training accreditations that we have listed below, only then to find that a new inexperienced young or older individual, can not in fact do the core job to a standard that is required.
info@wbpb.org www.belfastcity.gov.uk