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Did you know?

1 out of 3
UK employers regard soft skills as more important than academic achievements [1]
2 out of 3
of employers reject young candidates because they are unable to articulate their skills [2]

Level up your CV with Navigatr

Build a profile of skills you've developed inside and outside the classroom with digital badges.
“Badges are better than just having it written on your CV because there's evidence there, there is actually a website they can go to look it up. I feel confident and my self esteem has built up so much - I feel like I can actually succeed in a workplace environment now.”
Programme Participant

Share your achievements where it matters

Badges are easily shareable on all of the major platforms searched by employers and educators.

Stand out from the crowd

Badges contain data about what you did, when you did it and who said you did - which acts like a built-in reference - perfect for applications and interviews.

Find activities, get recognised

Receive badges for participating in learning activities

How it works

See where your skills can take you

Discover your next badge in a learning pathway

Track your progress and share your achievements

Work through your pathway and see your skills profile grow

Need help getting started?

These articles from our help centre will walk you through the steps

Made possible through partnerships

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Are you an organisation looking to create and issue badges?

Start your 14 day free trial, no credit card required.