Campus Experience: At a Specialist Arts College (The Northern School of Art)
Earners of this badge have experienced life at a specialist art and design institution, receiving vital information about the rapidly growing creative industries.
Engage Curiosity Commitment Confidence Building Reflection Personal Development Motivation Listening Goal Setting Employability Creative Industries Career DevelopmentCriteria
Earner has experienced life at a specialist art and design institution by attending open days, campus tours, and summer show tours.
Earner has learnt about the rapidly growing creative industries, understanding how creative students work in an industry-standard context.
Earner has broadened their understanding of the many creative disciplines through viewing current artwork at the university. They have learned about graduate successes and industry partners.
Earner has gained insight into the creative journeys of current staff (who are practising artists and designers) as well as hearing from current students and learning about alumni case studies. This helps to provide context to the earners individual journey and motivate and inspire them to progress into similar fields, using their learning to inform decision-making in their career aims and understanding the educational pathways available.
This badge is open to all.
The Northern School of Art, Newport Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 1LA
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