LTSB - Interview Skills
Earners of this badge have participated in workshops to learn how to prepare for interviews and help improve their interview techniques. Earners have learned how to conduct research for an interview and how to prepare answers for interviews. Earners have completed an interview for a role as a retail banking apprentice with the NatWest Group.
Networking Self Reflection Attention To Detail Confidence Demonstrate Career Development Customer Service Listening Training Communication Employability Self Awareness Critical Thinking Interview Skills Professionalism WorkshopCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has participated in workshops to learn how to prepare for interviews and help improve their interview techniques. Earner has developed their knowledge on how to prepare answers for competency-based interviews using the STAR technique. Earner has learned how to frame their answers around key employability skills required in the customer service/finance sector including teamwork, communication, and critical thinking.
Earner has participated in workshops to develop their knowledge of what an interview is, and the purpose of interviews. Different forms of interviews were covered, including group assessments, virtual and telephone. Earner has been involved in debates regarding the fairness of interviews to encourage critical thinking abilities.
Earner has participated in workshops to develop their knowledge of how to plan and prepare for an interview. This includes zoom etiquette, how to dress, interview environments, and testing/charging IT equipment. Earner has developed knowledge of relevant questions to ask while highlighting the skills they can offer the company.
Earner has attended an online mock interview with an industry representative to help refine their interview technique in addition to increasing their confidence. Earner has received verbal and written feedback to help improve their future interview technique.
Earner has had an interview for a retail banking apprenticeship with the Natwest Group.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
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