CSR Card
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have completed their Construction Skills Register (CSR) training as part of the Belfast City Council Academy. The course has developed the earners knowledge and understanding of Health & Safety practices, risk and control measures within the construction industry. Earners have completed a knowledge-based test and been issued with a CSR Card which is valid for 4 years from the date of completion.
Training Health And Safety Time Management Teamwork Career Development Communication Course Manual Handling Emergency Procedures Control Of Substances Hazardous To Health (COSHH) Communications Accident Prevention Accident Reporting Transferable Skills Resilience Problem Solving Commitment ParticipateCriteria
By application, please contact the provider for more information
Earners of this 1 days training have covered the following learning: Health & Safety Legislation, Accident Reporting & Emergency Procedures, Personal Protective Equipment, Safe use of Vehicles, Working at Heights, Hand Held Tools & Equipment, Manual Handling and carrying out a safety lift, Excavations/Confined Spaces, Noise & Vibration/COSHH, Electricity – underground & overhead services, Accident Prevention/Statistics.
Earners have completed this training as part of a Belfast City Council Academy, all training has been supported by tutors and mentors of the Academy, earners have participated in a range of group work and 1-2-1 activities, strengthening their skills in teamwork, confidence and communication.
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