
Optic Fibre Installation & Splicing Technician (SA056C)

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have completed a mixture of online, classroom, and practical learning. Earners are able to understand or complete a wide range of theoretical, technical, and practical issues relating to the Fibre Optic Cabling Installation. These include (but are not limited to) recognising hazards associated with optic fibre systems; understanding the nature and makeup of fibre optics, and the processes involved in fibre splicing.

Participate Communication Commitment Career Development Problem Solving Teamwork Resilience Time Management Transferable Skills Health And Safety Legislation Information Construction Infrastructure Literacy


By application, please contact the provider for more information

Earner has completed a mix of distance, classroom, and practical learning related to the work of Fibre Optic Cabling Installation Technicians. Earner has demonstrated the understanding and ability needed to safely execute tasks related to Fibre Optic Cable splicing and installation.
Earner has completed learning activities relating to recognising hazards associated with optic fibre systems; understanding the nature and makeup of fibre optics, and the processes involved in fibre splicing.


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