
Safety in Overhead Networks (SA001)

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge completed The New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA) course which outlines procedures and guidelines for personnel working on any road works in the highway or on footpaths. The Act and associated Codes of Practice cover the issues, requirements, and responsibilities of anyone who works for, or on behalf of a utility company, ensuring they are qualified for the activities being carried out.

Participate Communication Commitment Career Development Problem Solving Teamwork Resilience Time Management Transferable Skills Health And Safety Legislation Technical Acumen Construction Infrastructure Literacy Training


By application, please contact the provider for more information

Earners have gained knowledge, skills and technical acumen necessary for navigating the hazards and potential risks involved in Overhead Safety.
Earners have gained knowledge, skills and technical acumen necessary for navigating the hazards and potential risks involved in Pole checking and Joint user Poles.


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