
Safety in Underground Networks (SA002)

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have gained accreditation which covers Gas Testing and Cover Lifting. Earners possess knowledge and skills needed to identify the hazards and potential risks involved in working safely on or in proximity to underground structures and operational buildings.

Participate Communication Commitment Career Development Problem Solving Teamwork Resilience Time Management Transferable Skills Health And Safety Legislation Information Construction Infrastructure Literacy


By application, please contact the provider for more information

Earners have gained knowledge, skills and technical acumen in Gas Testing in infrastructure settings, including the ability to identify the hazards and potential risks involved in working safely on or in proximity to underground structures and operational buildings.
Earners have gained knowledge, skills and technical acumen in Cover lifting within infrastructure settings, including the ability to identify the hazards and potential risks involved in working safely on or in proximity to underground structures and operational buildings.


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