Health & Social Care: Continuing Professional Development
Available from multiple providers
Earner of this badge have demonstated skills and knowledge at QCF Level 3 in Continuing Professional Development in the context of Health and Social Care. This theme has provided earners with the understanding, knowledge and skills required to become competent workers and to be accountable for the quality of their work and their professional development. It has also provided understanding of the role of regulation and the importance of working in partnership.
Demonstrate Career Development Commitment Communication Problem Solving Resilience Teamwork Transferable Skills Accountability Conflict Resolution Team Building ManagementCriteria
By application, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner is able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of regulatory bodies related to their role and the setting they work in and the impact regulatory bodies have on practice both within their own workplace, but also the wider health and social care sector.
Earner has confidently demonstrated the ability to work in a way previously agreed with their employer, demonstrating they are able to work within the boundaries of their role, including in a way that promotes partnership working. Earner has sound knowledge of the importance and benefits of partnership working and is able to identify the skills and abilities needed to promote positive partnership working.
Earner has demonstrated their knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of their role and has also been able to articulate the difference between working and personal relationships, giving examples of differences when being assessed.
Earner is able to offer examples of personal development, both within and outside of a work environment and understands how their own personal development can impact those they support. The earner has been able to develop their own personal development plan, creating a staged approach and identifying those that can support them in achieving their plan. Earner has also attended any performance related meetings and is able to provide evidence of agreed development.
Earner is able to identify common signs of stress both in themselves and others and is able to reflect on factors that cause themselves stress and the strategies they are able to implement to try and improve this.
Earner has demonstrated knowledge in different models of team working and how team development can lead to better outcomes for all. The earner has also been able to articulate the principles that underpin effective team work including; clear objectives, clearly defined roles and responsibilities, trust and accountability, confidentiality, effective communication and conflict resolution.
Earner has sound knowledge of the principles, scope and purpose of professional supervision and it's purpose within an organisation. The earner can articulate the process of professional supervision and understands its role in protecting both them and their employer. The earner also understands that their own professional supervision plays in to wider organisational professional management of all staff and how performance indicators can be used to manage the performance of an individual or team.
C8: Earner has passed all assessments within this unit to a satisfactory/pass level.
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Belfast City Hall, Donegall Square North, Belfast, County Antrim, United Kingdom, BT1 5GS
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