Health & Social Care: Health and Wellbeing
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have demonstrated skills and knowledge at QCF Level 3 in Health and Wellbeing in a care setting. This unit has provided earners with the understanding, knowledge and skills to understand their own responsibilities in line with relevant legislation, guidelines and organisational policies and procedures that support individual’s safety, health and wellbeing
Demonstrate Career Development Commitment Communication Problem Solving Resilience Teamwork Time Management Transferable Skills Health And Social Care Fire Safety Risk Analysis Organisational PoliciesCriteria
By application, please contact the provider for more information
Earner has demonstrated through practical work and assessment that they have a sound knowledge of understanding their own and others responsibilities relating to health and safety in the work setting. This includes knowledge of key pieces of legislation relating the health and safety in the workplace as well as an understanding of their organisations health and safety policy and who their key contact within that organisation is, should they have a query or concern.
Earner has learnt about fire safety and how they can prevent a fire from starting and spreading, and how to handle these situations within their own organisations policies and practices.
Earner has shown sound knowledge around risk assessments, including being able to identify the 5 steps of the risk assessment process. They are also able to evidence their ability to follow these 5 steps, as well as discuss the balance of rights and responsibilities within health and safety.
Earner has learnt about and is able to implement policies and procedures within their organisation for identity verification for anyone requesting access to the premises or sensitive information. The earner has demonstrated they are able to work within these procedures, ensuring the protection of of personal security and that of others within their workplace. The earner also understands the importance of sharing their location with colleagues, particularly when lone working.
Earner is able to describe the types of hazardous materials and substances that may be present in their workplace, as well as articulating safe practices for storing, using and disposing of these materials and substances in line with their organisations policies and procedures.
By application, please contact the provider for more information
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Belfast City Hall, Donegall Square North, Belfast, County Antrim, United Kingdom, BT1 5GS
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