Health & Social Care: Supporting families and service users
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have demonstrated skills and knowledge at QCF Level 3 in helping and supporting families and service users in a health care setting. This theme provides understanding, knowledge and skill required to assist families and service users across a range of areas.
Demonstrate Career Development Commitment Communication Problem Solving Resilience Teamwork Transferable Skills Neurotrauma Compassion Assistive Technology Disabilities Learning DisabilitiesCriteria
By application, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated they are able to support individuals in a person centred way to engage with and feel part of their local community. The earner is also able to support individuals they work with to access relevant education, employment and training where appropriate.
Earner has gained knowledge around assistive technology and is able to support service users to use this technology to enhance their day to day lives. The earner has also demonstrated they are able to interact with and support individuals using telecommunications, taking in to account any barriers a service user may experience when doing so, and providing professional support to overcome these barriers.
Earner has learnt about positive techniques to use when working with an individual with sensory loss. The earner has also demonstrated they are able to promote and utilise these techniques to support effective communication with the individuals they support within their setting.
Earner has demonstrated they are able to positively liase with and support families around a wide range of different subjects. This includes supporting families who are affected by Acquired Brain Injury, supporting parents with disabilities and being able to professionally support families at times of crisis.
Earner has learnt about a range of learning disabilities and how these disabilities can impact individuals. The earner has also demonstrated that they are able to support individuals living with learning disabilities in a compassionate, professional and person centred way.
Earner has passed all assessments within this unit to a satisfactory/pass level.
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Belfast City Hall, Donegall Square North, Belfast, County Antrim, United Kingdom, BT1 5GS
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