Health & Social Care: Supporting individuals with complex needs
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have demonstrated skills and knowledge at QCF Level 3 in supporting individuals with complex needs. This theme provides learners with the understanding, knowledge and skills required to work in a supportive and life affirming manner.
Demonstrate Career Development Commitment Communication Problem Solving Resilience Teamwork Transferable Skills Dementia Autism Spectrum Disorders Dementia Care Neurotrauma Learning DisabilitiesCriteria
By application, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has learnt the process of dementia and gained understanding of how it may be experienced by those they support. This includes dementia specific techniques and practices, as well as overall knowledge of how to best support someone living with Dementia.
Earner has gained knowledge of how to best support individuals with learning disabilities. The earner has learnt about various types of learning disabilities and how they may effect an individual, as well as how they can best support someone living with a learning disability in their role. The earner has also learnt how to integrate supportive conversations and actions around sexuality and sexual health when working with individuals with a learning disability.
Earner has demonstrated understanding of how best to support individuals with Autism spectrum conditions, including demonstrating positive techniques and practices that enable them to best support service users.
Earner has gained understanding of the impact a physical disability can have on an individual, and has learnt ways to best support those they work with to live a fulfilling life with a physical disability. This also includes an understanding of the impact of an Acquired Brain Injury on an individual, sensory loss and models of disability.
Earner has passed all assessments within this unit to a satisfactory/pass level.
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Belfast City Hall, Donegall Square North, Belfast, County Antrim, United Kingdom, BT1 5GS
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