Health & Social Care: Factors affecting older people
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have demonstrated skills and knowledge at QCF Level 3 in understand the factors affecting older people. This theme provides understanding, knowledge and skills required to work with older people in a supportive, residential and nursing facility.
Demonstrate Career Development Commitment Communication Problem Solving Resilience Transferable Skills Dementia Compassion Health Risk Assessments Dementia Care Patient Hydration TeamworkCriteria
By application, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated that they are able to positively promote nutrition and hydration within their organisation, and is able to articulate the importance of this generally across all health and social care settings.
Earner has gained knowledge of how to best support an individual at the end of life in a compassionate way. This includes understanding and having knowledge of their own organisations end of life processes and policies.
Earner has demonstrated sound knowledge of moving and positioning procedures and is able to carry out these manoeuvre's in accordance with service users care plans, whilst ensuring that service user safety, dignity and comfort is always a priority.
Earner has gained sound knowledge of equality, diversity and inclusion within a dementia care setting and is able to articulate how this may be applicable to the environment they work in, as well as the importance of regularly reviewing an organisations EDI policy.
Earner is able to support individuals living with dementia to make choices and maintain their rights, whilst measuring potential risk factors and, where possible, minimising these to allow the service user to have the best quality of life.
Earner has passed all assessments within this unit to a satisfactory/pass level.
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Belfast City Hall, Donegall Square North, Belfast, County Antrim, United Kingdom, BT1 5GS
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