Customer Services Training
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have mastered the ability to delight the customer before, during and after a sale or business transaction. They understand the importance of taking pride in their work and how a positive attitude can impact on overall customer satisfaction. They have learned how to make a good first impression and professionally handle customer complaints.
Transferable Skills Time Management Resilience Teamwork Problem Solving Career Development Commitment Communication Participate Workshop Master A Skill Positivity Active Listening Customer Service Communications Sales Sales ProcessCriteria
By application, please contact the provider for more information
Earners have completed training in the importance of the sales transaction, looking specifically at the during the sales process and the after care a customer should experience. Earners are encouraged to enjoy and take pride in their part of the customer journey striving for excellence.
Earners have developed their knowledge of listening, looking at the importance of active listening in a customer services environment.
Earners have completed training to improve their communication skills ensuring that they are effective in communicating with a customer to improve their customer experience.
Earners are aware of how to manage a difficult customer and how to deal with a complaint, this course is delivered with group activities to help earners feel confident to manage and handle customer complaints.
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