Customer Services Employment Academy
Only available to registered Clients.
Belfast City Council Lifeguard Employment Academy is delivered over a series of 7 days of classes and workshops, specifically created to help fast track your way to employment broadly within the customer services industries. On this academy learners will develop their understanding of the required standards of customer service within the customer services sector. Course content includes World Host Customer Service, specific Health and Saftey courses, as well as many other key employability sessions. Upon completion of the course participants are guaranteed an interview for a live job with one of our partner employers.
These are the badges you need to earn, in any order:
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to tell us where you'd like to be, in order for us to tailor these job results for you.Work Hours
Work Location
Work Environment
Sign up for a free account and discover digital badges that help you achieve your goals.
- Course
- Monday, 11 November 2030 9 Adelaide Street, Belfast, BT1 5GS
- Participate in-person
About this pathway
Provided by

- Hospitality, Food, and Tourism