Academy Skills: Effective Communication at Work
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have developed their communication skills with emphasis on the workplace, earners have completed a range of workshops and activities where they have improved how they communicate and work together with others to achieve goals and overcome challenges.
Participate Communication Commitment Career Development Problem Solving Teamwork Resilience Time Management Transferable SkillsCriteria
By application, please contact the provider for more information
Earners have worked in pairs taking turns to observe learning and provide feedback to their peers.
Earners have participated in group work activities which are designed to developed their confidence to communicate both in a one to one setting and within a group environment.
Earners have participated in group work activities where that have had to assume different responsibilities within in the group such as; leader, coach and mentor. These activities equip earners with the ability to communicate well within different work environments.
Earners have completed a number of tasks where they have had to overcome a problem or challenge, encouraging them to work together as a group.
Earn this badge
Participate in these activities to earn this badge:
Classroom Assistant Level 3 - Effective Communication at Work
01 October 2023
Effective Communication at Work
16 October 2023
Effective Communication at Work
16 October 2023
Effective Communication at Work
16 October 2023
This badge is part of these pathways:
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