Play Work Level 5 Upskilling Academy (2022-2024)

This specific pathway has been designed to assess the learners knowledge and skills in order to enable them develop, lead and review play provision. The pathways uses an analytical and reflective construct to allow the learner to fully understand and apply the Playwork Principles in order to be able to develop and implement an organisational framework for children and young people’s play. This pathway also successfully illustrates the journey that has been completed by a play work practitioner, accredited at Level 5 standard, and it enables the earner to move into a leadership and management role within the industry.

This upskilling academy can vary, in relation to the timescale of delivery, depending on the learners time availability and commitment. The upskilling academy sessions are delivered over a series of best practice workshops, which are tailored to ensure the individual learning needs are met. Learners are allocated a People 1st industry expert mentor to support with individual career development and to assist each person to achieve their goal and gain a better job as a result of successfully completing this pathway.

Strategic Planning Communications Safe guarding Performance Appraisal Standard Operating Procedure Team Leadership Management Leadership Child Development Supervision


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