Playwork Level 5: Self-Directed Play
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have demonstrated the competence, knowledge and understanding a playworker needs in order to research, design and facilitate children and young people’s play.
Participate Education Self-directed Play Critical Evaluation Research Playwork Communication Facilitating Interpersonal Skills Course Resource Management Risk ManagementCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated their critical evaluation and research skills to investigate and evaluate playwork theory and practice. Earner has submitted a written report outlining the theories of playwork and identifying best practice, and playwork models. Earners also compared different methods of observing play and interacting with children and young people during play.
Earner has used resource management and playwork skills when designing a space to create opportunities for self-directed play. Earner was observed when using the available resources to create an appropriate environment for self-directed play. Earner has completed this task in both an indoor and outdoor space.
Earner has used their interpersonal and communication skills, alongside their facilitation skills to demonstrate their ability to enable children and young people to interact within a range of play spaces. Earner has submitted a written piece reflecting on how they had demonstrated their ability to encourage interaction in a variety of spaces as well as explaining why it is important. They have outlined the types of support needed and why it is necessary to define a play frame & identify play cu
Earner has completed a risk assessment to ensure children and young people are protected, whilst also taking positive risks within the playwork setting. Earner has explained their decision making process in an associated written piece. They have explained how they encourage children and young people to take acceptable risks during play and how to assist children with disabilities to manage risks themselves and were able to evaluate different levels of risk.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
89 Malone Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 6SP
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