Playwork Level 5: Operational Plans for Play
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have demonstrated the competence, knowledge and understanding that a playworker needs, to develop and implement operational plans for play provision.
Participate Education Operational Planning Communication Resource Management Strategic Thinking Change Management Role Modelling Analytical Monitoring Evaluation PlanningCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated their planning and resource management skills when developing an operational plan for play provision. Earner has submitted a written plan which outlined targets and outcomes that would ensure effective and well managed play for the children and young people.
Earner has used their strategic thinking and change management skills to explain strategies to staff possible methods to overcome obstacles to change within a playwork organisation. Earner has submitted a written piece to summarise the principles and methods of change management, and to explain how to communicate issues, relating to change, to other colleagues in a playwork organisation. Earner has also explained the types of support that colleagues may need during periods of change.
Earner has demonstrated their communication and role modelling skills by being an effective role model for the required organisational values, policies and procedures within a play setting. Earner has submitted a reflective piece to evidence how they role model and implement playwork policies and values. Earner has outlined how they are able to address behaviours and actions that are not inline with appropriate conduct.
Earner has used their analysing, monitoring and evaluating skills when identifying improvements to operational plans. Earner has verbally explained how to adjust operational plans in response to monitoring and evaluation. They have completed a worksheet to evaluate an operational plan and suggest improvements that could be made to benefit the learners within the setting.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
89 Malone Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 6SP
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