Playwork Level 5: Partnership Working
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have displayed the required knowledge, understanding and competence in order to engage and work productively with other organisations, agencies & professionals. Earners have evidenced their ability to develop an organisational framework for play provision.
Communication Evaluate Research Safegaurding Risk management Behaviour management Analytical thinking Presentation Literacy Education Partnership working Course ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated their risk management, research and evaluation skills by submitting a written report detailing how organisational values, policies and procedures can uphold children & young people’s rights and opportunities for play. Earner has identified the key aspects of play, playwork theory and practice, as relevant to learners, including: the nature & purpose of play, play types, play resources, risk management and staffing strategies. Earners outlined how partnership working can support this.
Earner has evidenced their research, communication, behaviour management & safeguarding skills when explaining how to access relevant sources of information on playwork practice, including strategies relating to: safeguarding, inclusion, risk management & behaviour management. Earner has shared research outcomes with relevant colleagues and key partners in a professional discussion with internal & external stakeholders such as parents/carers & local authorities.
Earner has demonstrated their presentation, inclusion and analytical thinking skills when delivering a power point presentation explaining the social, economic, political, legal and ethical context in which a playwork organisation operates; they have analysed information and identified barriers to inclusion.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
89 Malone Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 6SP
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