Playwork Level 5: Personal Development
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to develop and review play provision; learning took place within an analytical and reflective environment. Earners have evidenced their understanding and ability to apply Playwork Principles. They have demonstrated their understanding of the concepts on personal development and reflective practice, which are fundamental to the playworker role.
Analytical Reflective practice Literacy Communication Collaborative learning Presentation Education Personal development Course ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated their reflective and analytical skills when describing the duties and responsibilities of their work role. Earners explained expectations of their role, in line with relevant standards, by submitting a written piece to outline the required competence.
Earner has been able to show their collaborative learning, presentation & communication skills when reflecting and evaluating their own practice. Earner has delivered a presentation explaining the connections between practice and their understanding of relevant theory. During the presentation, earner has highlighted how feedback from their manager and colleagues had informed their professional development.
Earner has demonstrated their literacy skills when they submitted a personal development plan that highlighted how to work with others to review and prioritise learning needs, professional interests and development opportunities. Earner has evaluated how previous learning activities have contributed to their development and demonstrated how reflective practice has led to improved ways of working.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
89 Malone Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 6SP
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