
Academy Milestone: Induction

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have completed their Induction into the Belfast City Council Employment Academy. This induction provides earners with an overview of the Academy structure including details of courses, qualifications, supporting employers, interview timelines and the expectations of participants.

Listening Communication Time management Decision making Information gathering Commitment Education Training and employment Workshop Participate


Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.

Earner has met the eligibility criteria of the Academy by providing all relevant documentation according to sector specific requirements and rights to work in the UK.
Earner has demonstrated good communication and timekeeping skills by successfully passing screening and selection stages where they have completed a range of tests, assessing their suitability, interest, and commitment.
Earner has demonstrated strong decision making and information gathering by attending an information session, where they have developed an understanding of the sector and identified the courses and qualifications required for work. Employers supporting the academy have spoken to earners providing details on their organisation, sector and roles available upon completion of the Academy, helping earners to ensure the sector is the right fit for their career.
Earner has shown effective use of listening and time management through attending a workshop where they have demonstrated an ability to follow instructions and complete registration tasks such as the completion of surveys which establish individual needs.
Earner has been given an overview of the academy which includes specific training required to move into employment in the sector, support with CV’s, applications and interviews which will enhance employment opportunities and timelines of the Academy. Earner has understood and received a copy of the Belfast City Council Academy Code of Conduct outlined in the participant handbook.
Earner has completed a Navigatr registration and walkthrough to understand the importance and value of using this platform to progress on the Academy and as a career development tool. They are proficient in use of the platform, how to search and share content, how to register attendance for both workshops and pathways giving them a digital log of learning and structure of the Academy.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
9 Adelaide Street, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT2 8DJ


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