Classroom Assistant Employment Academy (2024/2025)
Only available to registered Participants .
Belfast City Council Classroom Assistant Employment Academy is delivered over a series of 5 day intensive workshops, specifically created to help fast track your way to employment. During the workshops, you will learn the introductory skills to help you adapt quickly to work in your chosen sector. This allows you to find out what each of the various job roles involves to ensure you know what is expected of you as a team member. You will gain insight into the industry before deciding if it is right for you before accepting a job offer. On this academy learners will develop their understanding of the required standards of behaviour and conduct in the education sector. Course content includes: Safeguarding, Milestones in child development, Developmental Objectives, Risk Assessments and Communication in an Education setting. Upon completion of the course participants can progress on to a L3 OCN qualification in Special Educational Needs and/or on to a Classroom Assistant CACHE Level 3 course, which will enable them to become a qualified Classroom Assistant.
Child Development Teamwork Primary Education Classroom Management CommunicationsSteps
These are the badges you need to earn, in any order:
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- Teacher Assistant
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- Work Experience
- Tuesday, 10 December 2030 9 Adelaide Street, Belfast, BT1 5GS
- Participate in-person or online More Information
About this pathway
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- Education and Training